Correctional stories from your not home town....

Sunday, March 04, 2007

No Iowa, instead I went to Ohio to buy a truck this weekend!

So, I couldn't go to Iowa, but my Mom called a couple hours before I had to go to work and asked me if I wanted to go to Ohio to buy a truck, Ohio street that is... :) So I figured, sure why not. So apparently I took my stupid pills that day and we went to Ohio street to look at a 1997 Ford Ranger with 4 wheel drive. So my Dad took the truck for a spin, and it had brand new all terrian tires and that is about 500 dollars worth of tire. Of course, it had a few dings on the passanger side and a bent antenna from hitting a deer and the mirror was gone, a few tiny surface rust spots, not many, a little hole in one head light, the inside dome light removed, and a line dented on the tail gate. Hmmmm... I wanted a full size Chevy, 4X4. Okay, so it was a 4X4, but a FORD *groans*, So we left and my Dad told the guy it needed too much work. So I ask him what he thinks as we drive back, and he says well, it is cheap what do you expect. Neither of us knew book price on it though. Then I state, but it has good tires and they want 2,000 for it, so basically you are getting the truck for 1,500. Hmmmm... so I call the guy back as we are driving, and his wife answers, and I state I don't know who is in charge of the price negotiations, but I figure I have to put in at least 200 dollars in work on the truck, and I only planned on spending 2,000 dollars, so how about 1,800. With no hesitation she says okay, it is a deal. WHAT? What is wrong with it, I can't believe they said okay with no hesitation... something is wrong here. My Mom says she knows them and they are honest people, we shall see about that? Ugh..... so I tell my Dad, turn around lets go get the truck before I have to go to work. So we swing around and within an hour I was told of a truck and bought a truck, a FORD!!!!!!!!! What was I thinking!!!!!! So I was short on time, so my Dad drove the truck home for me, and I have this truck I haven't even driven yet myself. SO I go online and check book on private party Kelly Blue book price for a poor condition extended cab Ranger and it states, 3,265. Hmmmmmmmm... score... even if the engine goes out I can replace it without going below what the truck is worth, and so far it seems to run good.... Heeeheee... I always find a deal when I am not completely looking for something... but then, it is a Ford!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FORD, FORD, what am I thinking!!!!!! :)

Iowa trip cancelled

Hmmm.. well we were going to go to Iowa this weekend still, until the trainer from Iowa called and said, he was canceling for now, as he couldn't even get out of his drive way, and both major highways to his place were closed down. He said to come in a couple of weeks. Hmmmmm... well, I guess they aren't as hardy down there as us Minnesotans, or as stupid at least! :) So, I called to work and rescinded my vacation... so off I go to work this weekend... with Friday being my one day taken off. Hmmm... I will save the vacation time for a better time of year.... and more fun... one of these days the vacation plans will work out.... I will not give up... :)

VACATION DAYS!!!!!??!#^%!^$ !)@)!*@ @!(_@_ #!_#(!_(#_)!( !_(#_!(#

So, I am on vacation time this weekend, lovely.... Murphy's law comes into effect every time I take a vacation day off from work, I think I am better off just working *scowl*. It almost NEVER fails, every single time.... *&#@)*( *#)(*! What this time you may ask, well the answer is obvious.... WEATHER CONDITIONS. Yep, weather, especially when I took the days off to drive my horse down to Iowa to the trainers, and rescheduling is mighty near impossible for the next month and a half to come... YEP, I was dead set on doing that THIS wonderful snow filled, blowing winds weekend! MURPHY'S LAW!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH......... what can go wrong will go wrong. WHEN, WHEN!!!!!!!!! may I ask, do I get some vacation days off were everything goes as plan and I can relax and have some fun?!?!? Hmmmmmmmm... it has happened about two or three times in the past three years were time off went as planned, and yes I have taken A LOT of vacation time... kinda... Murphy loves my vacation days, let me tell you!!!!!!!
So in conclusion! I am not going to take days off any longer... THIS IS RIDICIOULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off this week... a WEEKEND FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blah, yes, I need to give it up!!! EVERY SINGLE TIME I TAKE DAYS OFF TO HAVE SOME FUN IT IS A MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!!!!!!! I hope I am proven wrong this time, things can flip around, right? .... Well... pray for easy sailing and a safe trip for me, my Mom, Laurie, and the horses if you so feel inclined because there aren't any other days we can take off to get them down there, so we are going.... I think... :)

Working out?

So I had my days off, and I was sore... way too much working out. So my knee starts bothering me, so I do 30 minutes of Tae Boe with just the arms and back, then my back and shoulders hurt... hmmm... what can I do to get my heart rate up... I killed everything on my body? I better gain weight from this I think... So, I went horse back riding, not exactly cardio but they say it burns more calories then jogging, hmmmm... hard to figure, I think not, but who knows? Either way it was pure bliss and I felt little pain, or was distracted from it. FUN! Had lunch with my Grandma, ran some chores, and the next day, sore as can be I went swimming, and now I feel great. Swimming for 30 minutes of cardio and then afterwards 20 minutes of cardio on the tread mill and still no pain? Swimming, the cure all? I don't think I will push it though. Now... how can I get a pool to use every day is the question! :) Over all it was a good couple of days off, but I need to start working out heavy again... we shall see, gotta keep up the health aspects.... I want to have abounding energy, but I seem to be getting death warmed over, but ah... it is winter and look at the weather... what else is there to do, and when summer comes, I can jog the planet over.... okay a little exaggeration there. I mean how on earth could I possibly get across the ocean after all?!??! Jog on a ship, hmmmm... maybe not an exaggeration, but I imagine the ticket sellers wouldn't be happy about my sloppily written check as I jog to write it out... :)
Alright, alright... sorry not much else to report here... back to chores, responsibilities and working out I guess!

One more day...

Okay, so today is my day off, so I played with the dog ALL day... okay well half an hour anyway, close enough, right? Okay, so I woke up, worked out, went grocery shopping, cleaned my Mom's house, got the mail, did laundry, (BORED YET?) cleaned my house, ate (it was 1:30p.m., opps... little late on the eating thing), and impatiently waited to work out (as my work out clothing were in the laundry). How energetic of me right? WRONG!!!!!!! I wanted to get the working out done with so I could veg sooner. Yep, get everything done, and crash... you should try it some time! Now, if only I could really pull it off. You see... today is another day in the sequence of my life. Yep, chores, responsibilities, blah blah blah... same day in and day out. I can't seem to sit still and enjoy myself. Growing up my Dad was always working and working and working, and he still does the same. I admired it to some degree, but thought he should relax a bit more and have some fun. So, I picked up this trait I admired and I see how he works, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I have a hard time relaxing. I can sit for maybe 20 minutes max during the day before I think that there is something I should be doing. Mind you, this is after I did all the stuff I already needed to get done, but still, I find something else to do, and if I can't find something to do for myself I find something to do for other people!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I am my father's daughter.... now how do I undo this?!?! It isn't always good, good but not always... like say remembering to eat or taking the time to do so, especially when you need to gain weight... I know, I know... smack me later... everyone else is trying to lose weight and I don't need to and I keep losing it............. HELP! So do me a favor and give me a hand, who wants to take me out to eat and pay?!? Make sure it is scheduled, so that it is in the obligations list please, or I may otherwise occupy myself, taking reservations for my company, you pay, I eat!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Friday, February 02, 2007

A couple of things...

So, I woke up this morning with a BAD HANG OVER.. okay, well maybe not a hang over, but a lack of sugar headache that killed. I am told it is exactly like a hang over, and if that is correct, then I never want to have a hang over! I get enough experience with low blood sugars.... apparently while I was out of it I had this whole conversation with my roommate, though I refused to talk to my roommates daughter?!??! Apparently when I don't know what is going on I lie and am stubborn... I LIE?!!!!!! I guess I can't say I don't lie then, but I only lie when I don't know what is going on, nor will remember the next day. So apparently my buddy Corey was over, my roommate, her daughter, my roommates boyfriend, and my Mom's friend the nurse came over twice, once to revive me from my diabetic stupor, and I REMEMBERED NONE OF THIS!!!!!! So I wake up and go... boy my blood sugars are low... so I drank some bug juice, tried to figure out what day it was and if I had to work (yeah, I was out of it)... realizing if I did work, I had half an hour to get ready, but luckily it was my day off. So I look around and see an empty Mountain Dew can... HUH? Did I accidently drink that last night... I thought... then I looked around some more... hmmmmmm... my diabetic machine is in my bed room, and it was in the fridge last I checked... UH OH... I thought. So I got up, fixed my second coma like low... took a shower... and went to the doctor... yikes I got nothing accomplished being in a coma like stated until 1:30 pm.... Mental Note.... avoid coma like states!
Second, here is a late post. Last week my buddy Chad came to visit... you know the one that moved to Michigan... supposedly. Chad called and stated he was coming back to close on his second house (he sold the first one he owned, and now was working on the second). He also stated that when he moved all his stuff and then checked on jobs in Michigan they all laughed at him. *smirk* Hmmmmm.......... so he wanted to come visit to check out jobs on the Iron Range, as he needed to find a job to know where to buy another house so that he would have a place to live. So sell two houses, move your stuff to Michigan, then look for a job, then house, then move stuff back to new house??!?!? Hmmm.. interesting? My friends keep me entertained that is for sure.
On a positive note, I took a bath with the great bath and body stuff my sister-in-law got me for my birthday. It was GREAT, JUST GREAT!!!!!! Ah, when life unfolds, take a bath and forget about it!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Living at Work

So the other day I went to work and thought, GREAT!!! I worked 1 to 9 pm, so I actually got off earlier then usual and volunteered to take care of the horses in the morning, as I would get a good nights sleep for once. So I drove the offenders to their destination (an hour from work), and drove back, worked out at the weight room with the offenders with the music blaring and heard, "Ofc. ____ to the Officer in Command, can you respond to the gym!" Hmmmm... that was my co-worker, interesting?!? So I turn up my hand held radio, turn down the music on the other radio, and luckily the offenders didn't hear the call. Then we go over to the dinning hall, and the Officer in Command and the Superintendant walk in, and the superintendant says, "So, do you know what is going on?" Ahhhh......... no........ I was at the weight room. So he fills me in on the situation, and states we are transporting so and so back to the Minnesota Correctional Facility - Shakopee. Okay, so let me know what I need to do then. So I monitor the offenders while they take care of business, search her stuff... ummmm... contraband... double charges... pack up her stuff after writing a report, and called my parents stating, "Hi, I won't be able to take care of the horses in the morning." To this I get a WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! WHY?!!!!! Ummm... ahhhh... I have to work overtime... I won't be home until.... well I don't know when I will be home, probably tomorrow?!?!? So, the superintendant calls me on the phone, "Ofc. _______ would you mind transporting offender _______ to MCF-Shakopee tonight?" Sure I reply, not a problem. He states, "Well, are you going to want to drive there and back tonight, I would prefer if you stayed at a hotel in Shakopee, we can make reservations, I don't want you driving with that little sleep." So I response, "Well, I will leave it up to Sgt. _____, it doesn't matter to me." So, we transport offender ______ to MCF-Shakopee, leaving at 10 pm!!! On the way we needed the phone number for MCF-Willow River (where we stop to let the offender use the rest room) and MCF-Shakopee. I called the facility and they state they will get back to me with the number, and then I lose reception on the phone, but my radio works and I chuckle. We hear over the radio, "Ms. ____ to Ofc. _________, did you call Ofc. _______ with the numbers yet?" She states no back, and we respond over the radio, "Sgt. ______ to Ofc. _______, yeah, when are you going to call us with the phone number?" *smirk* They didn't know we had radio reception, but no cell phone reception, caught them off gaurd and made everyone laugh at work. So we get the numbers once we have cell phone reception, and it is 11:30. OPPPSSSSS....... I forgot to call my roommate. So, I check my cell phone messages, my Mom... when you clean the barn tomorrow, remember... ..... ..... Funny!!! that won't be happening. Second message from my roommate, "Ummm it is 10:45 pm, where are you? I thought you were suppose to be home at 10 pm and it is like 10:45, anyways, I didn't lock the doors and don,t have my keys, so don't lock the door when you get home." Not a chance of that happening now is there? So I call her back and she states, so what is going on, where are you? I state, well driving the country side, well not driving, but riding around any way. She states, Ummm... WHY? I state, I am working, and can't talk right now, I will be home at........ ummmmmmmmm.... tomorrow? Midnight? She states, okay. So we arrive at MCF-Shakopee at 3 in the morning and drop off the offender. Then we stayed at the Holiday Inn Express, getting there at 3:30 am and sleeping until 8:30 am... leaving at 9:30 am... well supposedly. I leave the hotel room at 9:25 and realize my co-worker (male co-worker, hence different hotel room) hasn't been out of his room yet (my detective skills noting the newspaper in front of his room door determined this). So, I go to the lobby and wait. At 9:45 am my co-worker comes out, "Oh there you are, I knocked and called your room and the room next to yours, I couldn't remember your room number." He states he got up at 9:03 and it took him 20 minutes to get ready. I state, yeah it took me about 20 minutes to get ready too, but I had a hard time determining what to wear! Mind you, I only had what I had on, as I was not prepared for an over nighter, but luckily I did have an over night bag with that I usually keep in my car for just such occasions. So we left the hotel and arrived back at my place of work at 3:15 pm, 15 minutes after my next normal shift started. My boss walks up, what are you doing here? Well, I work at 3 for my regular shift, right? He states, oh, I figured you would be tired so there is an extra officer on if you want to take vacation time. NICE!!!!!!!!!! I love my work place. So I worked 4 hours of my regular shift, and then got groggy and went home, taking 4 hours of vacation time. Yeah, it felt like working day in and day out.... and it wasn't bad actually. 14 hours in a car in two days, getting paid for 12 of those hours!! Lots of overtime and four hours vacation, I can handle that!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Well, so I had a LONG weekend this week... *smirk* Tues, Wed, Thur, and Friday... okay no weekend involved, but it was MY long weekend since Tuesday and Wednesday are my normal days off! Tuesday of my birthday week, I survived.. LITERALLY SURVIVED, yeah, it was just GREAT!!!!!!!! I woke up and couldn't move (bloodsugars VERY low), but I did manage to bite the top of a Mountain Dew bottle by my bed and squeeze Mountain Dew all over my hair and got some in my mouth... Wonderful, so I took a shower afterwards and headed to my hair appointment (twice a year hair cut). That night I went to my parents house and apparently I should take showers more often because my sister-in-law bought me a shower/bath deal thingy. Is that a hint?!??! After that I watched a movie. The next day I had the vet come for a coggins test on my horses, and then my friends from Bemidji came up and we went bowling, played cards, went out to eat, and watched a movie. That was fun, but I was SOOOOOOOO tired and hot and cold and hot and cold... hmmmmmmm.... and low blood sugars AGAIN... maybe I am sick/was sick?!??! Today I went to Duluth and picked up my new glasses I bought and two shirts... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, I tried for a new style since my friends are always ragging on me for my Men's t-shirts and hoodies. I bought a men's flannel shirt and a green men's shirt with long sleeve army style sleeves. HEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEE is that better I ask everyone? Okay, okay.... old habits are hard to break, sheesh!!!!!!! Then I got home and looked in the mirror and with the new glasses, my twice a year hair cut, and a men's shirt on I hardly recognized myself!!!!! :)

New Years Eve

So the day before New Years Eve, I stopped in at my parents house to chat with the parents. I spoke to my Dad since my Mom ditched out and went horse back riding, and I asked him if he had any plans for New Years Eve like a work party, etc. My Dad states, "Didn't your Mom tell you? We are having a party at your house!" I was like... ah........ what........ I have to work!!! He states yeah I know, we were going to burn that wood pile behind your house, but we might still be there when you get off work at midnight. EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!! This is backwards! MY PARENTS WANT TO HAVE A PARTY AT MY HOUSE WHEN I AM WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!! Luckily it snowed heavily and my parents couldn't burn the wood pile and I made it to and from work in one piece... with my house and wood pile in tact as well!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Bemidji, the gang!!

So I went to Bemidji the other day to visit the gang. Seven of us came together for one last hurrah... isn't it funny how life takes everyone in different directions, but once we are together it is life as usual for the group. So two of my friends are moving to Conneticut, and two to Michigan.. hmmm... :( Well, two already live 2 to 4 hours away, and the others are from Indiana... they are just moving farther away... Any how, I drove into town and met up with Chad, and followed him to my friend Javin's, and then we went to Green Mill for lunch, and Chad paid... :). Then I left with Chad to go back to Javin's house. We then waited for Aaron, Michelle, and Matt to show up. Matt of course states, "What the.... are you doing here, go back to where you came from!" Of course Matt then gave me a big hug! :) Finally we all arrived, except Kyle who was working, and we started picking on each other, started insulting each other, beating each other up with the pillows, figured out if we throw the office chair at the double doors into the bedroom the doors open and the person in the chair ends up on the bed, we took a million pictures, Michelle wanted to eat at Ground Round so we ate at Ground Round and Javin paid for me, and we just had a blast hanging out afterwards, beating each other up, and gabbing.

Moral of the story: For free food I need to travel to Bemidji more often (did I mention Javin cooked breakfast too?!?)!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006


So, my family has decided NO MORE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! Christmas is all about family, and we buy stuff for each other year round, and buy what we want, so why buy stuff for each other we won't use or exchange gift cards!??! Great idea!!!!!!! It makes Christmas time so much easier, especially since I work Christmas day. Well, this year, I was going to buy a garage door opener, especially since I almost never use the garage and my Dad uses my garage all the time, his 4 to 6 garages/storage spaces aren't enough.... so for my Father I wanted to buy a garage door opener, and the problem was that I found one at Sears where my Grandma can get a discount. So I ask her to buy me one and stated I would pay her back........ NOPE.. NOPE... instead she buys it and says I am the Grandma and I can buy you a Christmas gift if I want.... it is your Christmas present... FINE!!!!!!!! Christmas eve my Mom calls and states, come over for Ham and a Christmas gift! I state, "MOM!!!!!!! We aren't suppose to get each other gifts!" She says, "well, I can and I did!" I then go on to state that I can't open it because it isn't Christmas, and she states, "Well, we use to open gifts on Christmas Eve." I respond, "YEAH, ONE GIFT ON CHRISTMAS EVE! I will come over at 5 am, like usual to shake and rattle it until you get up!" She states, "Well, I only got you one gift, so get your butt over here!" So I go to thier house, and my Dad gleefully brings me the gift and states, "It is what you have always wanted!" I state, nope it isn't heavy enough and I don't see any truck keys, let me leave so you can insert those! So, I open the gift and there sits a Breyer plastic horse trailer and a Duramax Diesel toy truck with a note stating Merry Christmas, you know I always try to get you everything you want! Okay, so I took the toy home, and I called my parents, and my Dad states, "WHAT!! DID SHE TOTAL THE TRUCK ALREADY, I DIDN'T HAVE A CHANCE TO PUT INSURANCE ON IT YET!" Very funny... very funny.... hmmmmmmm... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Late for work?!!?

So, I am a little slack in my blogs, I could post a few different things on here, but last week, on Sunday I made a mistake, but hey I am one to make every mistake once... hopefully only once, so I am good now! I set my alarm for 9 since I had a shift exchange, had to work at noon, and had to leave my house at 10:30. So, my alarm never went off, I woke up at 10:20 am, and not realizing it was 10:20.... I went about my business. I showered, got ready for work, talked politics and criminal justice with my roommate and her boyfriend, and at 11:15 am I checked my phone messages and my Mom had called stating, "Hey, I saw your car was still parked in the yard, I thought you had to work at noon, or maybe you had to leave at noon?" I whipped around, looked at the clock and went, "WHAT!!!!!!?!?? It is 11:15 not 10:15!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE..... " With that left in the air I was out the door in under ten seconds with my roommate and her boyfriend jaw dropped in confusion.... :) So I was on the road and I called work stating, I am going to be late, I just left now and if I don't get pulled over for speeding I should be about 15 minutes late. They stated, oh, don't worry about it, don't speed, and don't hit a deer, be careful! I stated I would be there and would e-mail my boss letting him know I was late. They state, don't do that, we got you covered! So, I went to work and showed up at 12:15 pm, a new driving speed record, and I e-mailed my boss and got no response... perhaps he was speechless considering I turned myself in even though he wouldn't have known about it. Ah... life goes on, we all make mistakes... and I am usually 15 minutes early... it usually takes an hour and fifteen minutes to get to work and I leave an hour and a half early.
So, on Monday an old friend came over and as late as it was I went to bed and left him on my couch... he fell asleep and in the morning I was busy so I said, "Good morning, I have to go, Tracy (my roommate) will give you a ride home," and I left. Tuesday and Wednesday I cleaned the house, rode horse, hung out with Scott and relaxed watching TV. Wednesday, I went grocery shopping, cleaned the house (the cats knocked off the potted plant in the living room when the dog chased them), and hung out with Scott.... yeah... so back to work and hopefully I won't be late again.
Oh, I called on another horse and Monty Bruce (reknowned trainer) e-mailed me back stating for 225 dollars a piece he would do a two day horse training clinic up here if 10 to 15 people were interested in May... any takers...?!??!?

Christmas... is suppose to be a wonderful family event!

This Christmas I am going to spend with the offenders at work, and I am happy about this. I took the job as a Corrections Officer knowing I had to make some sacrifices, and the offenders have taught me a thing or two. You know, I listen to people this year frustrated, and disgruntaled about Christmas... whining and whining... and complaining and complaining about Christmas being commercialized, not enough money, bickering and fighting... on and on, well the offenders at work that I work with have it right, they are disheartened because they don't get to have Christmas at home with their loved ones. They don't have money for gifts, they can't even pick out Christmas cards, but all they care about is not being able to be at home, and they do their best to make cards, draw, send videos, and make sure their loved ones know how important they are to them.

Many other people in my life outside of work are complaining and whining... well, Christmas doesn't have to be this way, and don't be disheartened, don't whine, don't let money or greed of others get in the way of what Christmas is all about! Yes, Christmas is suppose to be about family and loved ones, and a joyous time of year... so make it that way!!!!!!!!! Be a part of the solution, do your part to make it what it is suppose to be. Don't worry about money, don't let other's greed take you down, don't whine, fix it, make Christmas what it is suppose to be! You have it right, it isn't about the money, but don't let others stop your and your families special time of year. Stay positive, come up with solutions, and bring back the Christmas cheer.

If you don't have the money, explain this to others, invite them over and make supper, and letting other people you care about them. Let them know they are appreciated and important to you, make it special again! Spread the cheer, and defeat commercialism... make suggestions and suggest no gift giving for the adults, but a time for family fun and bonding. Make gifts from the heart, gifts of your own. Use what you got and try to make Christmas a time of joy and family togetherness! Don't let others and commericalism get you down... I for one plan on having a merry, joyous Christmas because even though I am working, I will try to embrace what Christmas is all about, and I love and appreciate my family, and they will be truly thought of and missed, and wished a Merry Christmas.

20,000 dollar horse.. I OWN ONE!!!!

So on Wednesday, my one day off, I drove all the way to New York Mills to look at a good bloodlined, trained, solid horse that anyone can ride, supposedly... that has never bucked. So I drove four agonizing hours through no whereville, and finally ended up at this place to look at this well broke 5,000 dollar horse. Lets see.... she had a short neck.. not following her bloodlines for a reining horse, but she was pretty. I hopped on her and she didn't neck rein, didn't stop well, I had to fight her to get her to back up, she didn't know side passing, wasn't soft, and when I went in the field to ride her, she tried to do whatever she wanted, pick up speed when she wanted, and when I wouldn't let her do as she wanted, I swear she was thinking about bucking this mean rider... but I held her good and kept control. 5,000 dollars my butt.... if she is worth 5,000 then my horse is broken to death and the best broke horse alive, well worth 20,000 dollars (my mare that I would never sell anyways)! In the end, I keep looking at these expensive, supposedly "spook free well broken horses" and I realize that my two year old knows more then these horses do. Hmmmmmmmm........ well the golden boy I have decided not to sell and to send to the trainer again if I have no time to work with him myself... I think... and I talked to a trainer... a renowned trainer and he stated he might even do a horse clinic up here... on to the next adventure, my boy has his home, he is staying and one of the best horses alive... I guess looking at other horses has taught me a thing or two........ my horses are GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!!

X-mas decorations

So nothing new is going on with me lately, except the normal. I write someone or call about a horse trainer... no response from them... go on to the next... no response from them... on to the next..... hmmm... at least it keeps me going online to check my e-mail and interested in checking my phone messages.. day in and day out.. no response.. SOME BUSINESS PEOPLE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!
Work.. I go.. and go again.. and go again... and on my days off I go to work for mandatory overtime... and go again.. and again.. oh, I have to work today too.... on my day off.....
This is kind of like my x-mas decorations! I put up lights, then put them up again and again and again... Same thing with the tree... I put it up, put it up again, put it up again!!!!! I have set up for christmas like ten to twenety times!!!!!!!!!!! Reset up=cats! My life seems to go in circles, but hey, at least I am staying busy.
Speaking of which, I should probably get going to work AGAIN!!!

Always make back up plans!

So, I had three days off this week, and with the soreness of last week's riding episodes, and picking up extra shifts at work the last couple of weeks, I wanted to have some fun. So I made plans to see a few horses with my Mom, but alas, bad weather. So we saw one horse nearby that we didn't ride because it was freezing out, and cancelled on seeing the rest. That is alright though, plan two, I was going to do someting fun with my roommate, BUT she got the flu so I saw hide nor hair of her and she was in my house! Okay, plan three, I went to a movie, out to country kitchen, and back home to see two more movies, and it was great, but next time, I am making plan 4, 5, and 6, just in case!!! I did take pictures of my horse, and help my Mom take pictures of her horses, and we put them for sale on the internet,, and I also answered a few questions on my horse, and learned something interesting. One of the people asking me questions I sent the web link to my horse's sire's web page, and as a result I checked out the page. Yearling, untrained foals out of the same sire they are asking from 2,500 to 10,000, 10,000 being the most common price, and I am asking 3,500 for a trained two-year-old..... ummmmmmmm....... I may have to rethink my price. Also, looking at this other horse and some others, my two-year-old is looking like the prize horse right now.